Sunday, February 21, 2016

Getting to Charette Battalion

Purpose: This is for all new parents and cadets who are in the process of joining the Sea Cadet program and finding the location of the unit. Attached is a map of the base and the directions that you should follow in order to head to the unit. When you arrive at USUHS, head to the security office and we will have an escort cadet arrive to take you and your child to the New Cadet Briefing.

NOTE: There is currently construction going on and the Security office is inaccessible from the main parking garage. In order to get to the security office, park as far in as possible in the garage. When you exit your vehicle, there will be an exit from the farthest end. Once you exit, make a left and you should head towards a small secluded parking lot and through the doors. There will be a guard there and you present an ID and proceed out the doors to the left. From there, go straight ahead and you should see another set of doors and that is where the security office is. From there, a cadet will take you from the security office to where the brief is being held.

The X represents where the main gate is at NNMC Bethesda.
The O represents where you should go in relation to USUHS

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Training FAQ's

Purpose: The purpose of this post is for both parents and cadets alike to better understand the concept of letting your cadet go to a training. In the instance that you do, you as the parent will have an understanding of the preparation that must go in to getting your cadet prepared before they are approved for a training.

What kinds of Training are there?
There are various kinds of trainings all with different focuses. There is Medical, Field Operations, Culinary Arts, International Exchange, etc. These trainings are located at all different locations around the US and offer cadets different experiences. Every cadet (Regardless of age or NLCC/NSCC) must Graduate from Recruit Training (or Orientation for NLCC) before they are eligible to go to any advanced training.

Are there any requirements to participate in a training?
Yes; The requirements vary between every training contingent and here at Charette Battalion, we push cadets to be well-prepared for trainings. First, a cadet must complete their BMR (Basic Military Requirement) and the amount that required by our unit CO is 10 before he will sign any form allowing a cadet to go to training. The next step would be to fill out a "Request for Training Authority (CADET)" and must fill it out and return it to the CO within a timely manner. The next step would be gathering all of the required materials that is needed for the training and a seabag list (essentially the same as a packing list) should be provided by the COTC. From there, the cadet will bring their seabag (on a date to be specified by the Unit Staff) for inspection before they are cleared for training. After that, its just a matter of waiting and your cadet will be off to training.

How long will my cadet be at Training for?
The time that your cadet will spend at training is all dependent on the training and the season. For instance, a Recruit training in the winter will be 9 days, while a Recruit training in the summer may be 14 days. Some trainings may last 1-2 weeks and some may be for a few days.

*NOTE: It is IMPORTANT that cadets have everything in their seabags before reporting to training.    A COTC can deny entry to a cadet who has an incomplete seabag. With this being said, PARENTS AND CADETS are ultimately responsible for ensuring that they have everything before a training.

**NOTE: For certain trainings there are certain distinctions between items on the seabag list. For instance, when it specifies a specific lock (Ex. a Key lock or Combination lock), please refer to the seabag list provided by the COTC of the training. Another example (which I have seen) is shaving cream, in which aerosol (or the white foam) is NOT AUTHORIZED. In this case, buy your child Gel Shaving cream (Ex. Edge Shaving cream). Contraband (Ex. Knives, Lighters, Drugs and Alcohol, etc.) must not be packed or will be confiscated by the training contingent and will be given back at the end of training. If a cadet is found with contraband, he/she may get in trouble or may be dismissed from the training (at the Discretion of the XOTC/COTC).